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Posts mit dem Label Foto werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Mittwoch, 18. Juli 2012

Daily Inspiration: 25 Awesome Pictures of Dogs

25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs:
In this post we showcased 25 wonderful and awesome pictures of dogs. The photographer has done excellent job capturing these wonderful moments of dogs. It's silly to expect you'll get the perfect shot you want with one click of the camera. You need patience to coax the look out of your dog that you are looking for that day. With dog photography, natural light is best which is why outside shots often produce dazzling results.

The following pictures of dogs are dedicated to dog lovers. To learn more about photograph and photographer and to see the larger version of the dog pictures, be sure to click on the images.

Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 01 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 02 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 03 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 04 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 05 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 06 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 07 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 08 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 09 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 10 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 11 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 12 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 13 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 14 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 15 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 16 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 17 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 18 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 19 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 20 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 21 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 22 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 23 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 24 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

dog pictures 25 in 25 Wonderful and Awesome Pictures of Dogs

Hope you liked these pictures.  If you know something about dog photography, drop us a comment. If you got more awesome pictures of dogs  you would like us to feature here at Boost Inspiration, do it in the comments below or write us from the contact page

Related posts:
  1. Black and White Pictures of Dogs

  2. 40 Funny Pictures of Dogs and Cats

  3. 20 Awesome Pictures of Animals

Quelle: Boostinspiration

If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website, Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

  DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin ,Ricardo Villalobos,Marco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

Leitfaden zum Thema Fotorecht

Der Deutsche Fachjournalisten-Verband hat einen Leitfaden zum Thema Fotorecht veröffentlicht. Er steht zum kostenlosen Download im PDF-Format bereit


Sonntag, 17. Juni 2012

PicMonkey: Fotos online bearbeiten

PicMonkey ist eine Tool, mit dem Fotos online bearbeitet werden können. Neben den Standard-Werkzeugen enthält PicMonkey auch Sprechblasen oder Rahmen, mit denen Fotos verschönert werden können.

The creative Adult ist the Child who survived,

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Related: For the Ears, Glossar, Resources, Gift Guides

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If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website, Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle (R.I.P) and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky (R.I.P) and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin ,Ricardo Villalobos, Marco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges 
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Donnerstag, 12. April 2012

365project: Fototagebuch

365project ist ein Foto-Tagebuch, in dem man jeden Tag ein Foto veröffentlichen kann. Es gibt wöchentliche Themen, die man als Inspiration nutzen kann und im Forum kann man sich mit der Community austauschen.


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If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website, Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin ,Ricardo Villalobos,Marco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges

Freitag, 4. November 2011

Update Resources: Bilddatenbanken

Hier findet sich in der Regel eine sehr große Auswahl an Bildern

If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website,Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin ,Ricardo Villalobos,Marco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!
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Montag, 30. Mai 2011

Around the Web

Cool-Arts macht hochwertige Ölgemälde erschwinglich für jedermann. Unsere professionellen Maler erstellen aus Ihrer Vorlage ein wunderschönes Ölgemälde – handgemalt und in bester Qualität.Cool-Arts ist seit vielen Jahren im Markt aktiv und hat sich in dieser Zeit als einer der führenden Anbieter für hochwertige handgemalte Ölgemälde in Europa etabliert. Sowohl zehntausende zufriedener Kunden als auch eine Vielzahl von Vertriebs-Partnern sind von unseren hohen Qualitäts-Standards sowie unserem einmaligen Preis-/Leistungs-Verhältnis überzeugt. Für Cool-Arts arbeitet ein weltweites Netzwerk talentierter und professioneller Maler. Alle Künstler sind hervorragende Auftragsmaler. Cool-Arts verwendet nur hochwertige Farben und weitere Materialien. Unsere Keilrahmen und Rahmen stammen vom führenden Anbieter für Künstlerbedarf in Europa. Als wohl einziger Anbieter in Europa werden die unsere Ölgemälde regelmäßig vom deutschen TÜV geprüft. Auch hierdurch stellen wir sicher, dass wir dauerhaft zu den Qualitätsführern in Europa zählen.


Zum Anbieter

Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011

Found@Flickr: nanny-goat

Artwork by  El ChAr-Lee

 Related: For the Ears, Glossar, Resources, Gift Guides

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If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website, Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin , Ricardo VillalobosMarco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges

Montag, 16. Mai 2011

White Shark

White Shark
Artwork by Kleckerlabor

Related: For the Ears, Glossar, Resources, Gift Guides

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If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website, Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin , Ricardo VillalobosMarco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges