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Posts mit dem Label Kindle Edition werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Sonntag, 15. Juli 2012

55 Artikelideen für Ihr Blog (Tipps für attraktive Blogposts und erfolgreiches Bloggen) [Kindle Edition]

Egal, ob Sie für ein Unternehmensblog verantwortlich sind, zu den bloggenden Freiberuflern gehören oder als Profiblogger Ihr Geld verdienen: Ihr Blog will regelmäßig mit frischen Inhalten gefüllt werden. Nur: Die passenden Ideen fallen nicht (immer) vom Himmel. Besonders in stressigen Zeiten sitzt man dann nervös vorm Bildschirm, wissend, dass die Leser schon auf den neuen Artikel warten – doch das Gehirn ist wie leergefegt.


Hier kommt mein eBook ins Spiel.

Es liefert Ihnen 55 starke Tipps für hochwertige Blogposts: ausführlich beschrieben, leicht umsetzbar und mit vielen Beispielen – ein umfassender Ideenpool, auf den Sie jederzeit zurückgreifen können.

Sie erfahren alles über attraktive Artikelformate:

  • Tutorials
  • Interviews
  • Pro/Contra-Artikel
  • Serien
  • Checklisten
  • Quick Tipps
  • Fallstudien
  • Rezensionen
  • Gastartikel
  • und vieles mehr …

Außerdem erhalten Sie

  • 22 inspirierende Quellen für Blogthemen
  • 11 wirksame Rezepte gegen Schreibblockaden
  • 1 ausführliche Checkliste für perfekte Blogposts

Ihre Vorteile:

  • Sie haben immer genügend Ideen für tolle Artikel.
  • Sie bringen mehr Abwechslung in Ihr Blog.
  • Sie werden öfter weiterempfohlen.
  • Sie stärken Ihr Experten- bzw. Unternehmensimage.
  • Sie gewinnen neue Leser und Kunden.

So macht Bloggen einfach mehr Spaß!

Was Leser sagen:

"... Das eBook liefert Neulingen mit Sicherheit genügend Ideen, um erfolgreich einen Blog starten zu können und ihn auch nachhaltig mit neuen Artikeln zu befüllen. Doch auch für "alte Hasen“ ist das eBook durchaus interessant ..." - Martin Grünstäudl

"... Ein tolles E-Book, in dem nicht nur Blog-Anfänger gute Ideen finden. Deshalb ein ganz klarer Kauftipp ..." - Martina Schäfer

Die Autorin: 

Dr. Doris Doppler arbeitet seit zehn Jahren als freie Werbetexterin, Wirtschaftsjournalistin und Fachautorin in Innsbruck. Die promovierte Betriebswirtin schreibt für Unternehmen, Agenturen und Redaktionen im gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum und veröffentlicht regelmäßig Fachartikel zu Werbetext und Marketing. Doris Doppler ist Autorin von "Starke Broschüren", "Starke Mailings", "Starke Flyer" und "Starke Webtexte" – die schlanken Ratgeber für bessere Texte.

55 Artikelideen für Ihr Blog (Tipps für attraktive Blogposts und erfolgreiches Bloggen)

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Related: For the Ears, Glossar, Resources, Gift Guides

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If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website, Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle (R.I.P) and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky (R.I.P) and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin ,Ricardo Villalobos, Marco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges 
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Samstag, 14. Juli 2012

Article Marketing: Your Untapped Resource for ETSY Success [Kindle Edition]

I’ve discovered a virtually untapped resource that is overlooked right here at Etsy. And I am ready to explain it to you in every detail so you can get started right away incorporating this proven technique to drive more sales to your shop!

Article marketing? You mean like writing articles? YES, that is exactly what I mean. Article marketing is a great way of spreading your knowledge and experience, and you will be rewarded for it. We can all write articles on things we enjoy, right? Hopefully your craft is something you have a passion for and writing about it comes naturally to you. Now it’s your turn to be an expert and reap the rewards!

In my new ebook I explain exactly how article marketing works, the process anybody can follow and how it can drive hundreds of visitors to your Etsy shop on a daily basis.

Here is what else you get:

  •  The top 25 article directories to give you the most exposure
  • Tips and tricks to help you get started writing
  • 7 sure-fire "formulas" to create winning articles
  • 1 sample article
  • How to use the resource box to your advantage
  • What to do if you don't like to write! (Hint: you can still reap the benefits of article marketing without ever writing a word.)

  Article Marketing: Your Untapped Resource for ETSY Success

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Related: For the Ears, Glossar, Resources, Gift Guides

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If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website, Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle (R.I.P) and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky (R.I.P) and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin ,Ricardo Villalobos, Marco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges 
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Donnerstag, 12. Juli 2012

How to Start a Business With an Etsy Store [Kindle Edition]

 Ever wanted to start your own online business but didn't know where to start? If so, Etsy was made for you. Etsy is a cool new site that lets you create your own online business / eCommerce website. You can sell your own products on an easy to set up site and grow a business over night.

In How to Start a Business With an Etsy Store we cover:

  • What is Etsy?
  • Quick Start Guide to Trading on Etsy
  •  10 Tips on Creating the Perfect Etsy Photograph
  • Setting Up Your Shop for Success
  • Time to Start Listing Some Products!
  • How to Get More Exposure for Your Shop
  • What Items Can I Sell On Etsy?
  • 4 Selling Tips for Long-Term Etsy Success

Here's a quick look at How to Start a Business With an Etsy Store:

Want to get started on Etsy? When you first set up your account and shop, there can seem like so many things to think of and do. Here we look at the most important tasks to take care of when you are launching your new Etsy shop.

Let’s get started with the most important thing – products. What are you going to sell in your online boutique? How are you going to present them?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What products are you looking to sell and why?
  • What is unique about your items and why should people buy them?
  • Who will be your target audience?

You probably have a very good idea about what you want to sell on Etsy and you might also have a clear idea who your market might be. Let’s say you make hand-knitted baby bonnets. Your target market is likely to be new mothers and grandmothers, but you might also want to appeal to a wider audience looking for new baby gifts.  Shoppers on Etsy like to buy a product with a good story..

Don't waste any more time dreaming. Start doing by purchasing How to Start a Business With an Etsy Store and getting your own Etsy store set up today.

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Related: For the Ears, Glossar, Resources, Gift Guides

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If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website, Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle (R.I.P) and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky (R.I.P) and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin ,Ricardo Villalobos, Marco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges 
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Sonntag, 8. Juli 2012

Sell Your Artwork & Crafts Online: An Insider's Guide to the Worldwide Arts Market [Kindle Edition]

Practical guide for any artist or crafter who wants to sell their work on the internet. This comprehensive book, filled with insider tips and expert advice, cuts through the confusion and multitude of options for selling and marketing all forms of artwork online.

The author, Heidi Rand, sells her work directly through her own website, and on her Etsy and ArtFire shops. She gets royalties on her images, designs, and books, through Zazzle, Smugmug, Lulu, and Amazon. She also sells her art instruction books online, and teaches workshops online and in person. She markets and publicizes her work on her blog, Facebook, Twitter, the Patch, and more. Armed with the insider tips on selling and marketing art in this book that Heidi learned over several years, you’ll hit the ground running, with a big advantage over other artists still struggling to wade through it all on their own.

Packed full of hands-on advice:
  •  Learn the 5 critical skills to sell your art and crafts online, including tips on where to turn for help if you just can’t do it yourself.
  •  Discover exactly what kinds of websites and venues are right for your artwork and crafts
  •  Figure out whether getting your own website is the right move for you.
  •  Find out about the wide variety of ways to market and advertise your work online, including tips on how to make social media work for you
  •  Learn about powerful and free statistical tracking tools to measure your online successes and weaknesses.
  •  Zero in on what’s holding you back and get valuable ideas to motivate yourself to get going.

Based on Heidi's knowledge of a broad range of art and craft sale venues, and thanks to her extensive experience teaching and consulting with a variety of different kinds of artists and craftspeople, the book goes beyond many other guides that focus only on selling on a few sites, or selling only traditional forms of art. The book includes information and advice for practically any kind of visual artist, whether 2-D or 3-D; fine arts painter or mixed-media collage artist; photographer, seamstress, knitter, sculptor, potter, fiber artist, jeweler, cartoonist, soapmaker, and more.

To help guide and inspire, the book includes profiles of six artists who are at different points on the continuum of selling and marketing their work online, with screenshots of their websites, blogs, social media use, and more. A photographer, painter, writer, printmaker, collage artist, and natural perfumer, they represent the wide variety of media that people are selling and marketing on the internet.

 Sell Your Artwork & Crafts Online: An Insider's Guide to the Worldwide Arts Market

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Related: For the Ears, Glossar, Resources, Gift Guides

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If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website, Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle (R.I.P) and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky (R.I.P) and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin ,Ricardo Villalobos, Marco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges 
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Kindle Cash - The Beginner's Guide to Creating, Marketing, And Publishing On The Amazon Kindle [Kindle Edition]

 After two years of hard work, I retired at age 38.

The above is absolutely true, and without the Amazon Kindle I couldn’t have realized this dream. The amazing part is, if I took another run at it I could make the same money, or more in less than half the time. Am I rich? No, but I am comfortable and moving into very comfortable, and I can teach you to have the same.

Are you a writer? Have something you can teach? These are the basic ingredients needed to create an information product that can sell on the Kindle. However, it isn’t that simple. Just a slightly wrong choice of niche can make your precious book worthless.

Did you know that the majority of Kindle books barely sell at all? Why is this? A number of reasons, all of which can be easily overcome. I walk you through all the confusion that I first faced trying to make my work successful on the Kindle, and it isn’t that hard.

Is this a guaranteed money maker? Heck no, nothing is, but I can assure you a much greater, down to earth, chance of success than that guy that sold 5 million ebooks in three months. This is real, and my advice is designed for a beginner to get a foot hold on Amazon and make some real income.

Want to make money on your non-fiction book, and do it right without spending a ton of money or dealing with a greedy publisher? It isn’t as hard as you think, but it certainly is easy to mess up. Let me help you be a success on the Kindle and join me in telling your boss those beautiful words... “I QUIT!”

Kindle Cash - The Beginner's Guide to Creating, Marketing, And Publishing On The Amazon Kindle

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Items You Might Like:

  Related: For the Ears, Glossar, Resources, Gift Guides

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If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website, Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle (R.I.P) and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky (R.I.P) and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin ,Ricardo Villalobos, Marco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges 
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Kunstmarketing , Kunst erfolgreich verkaufen , Tipps aus der Praxis für die Praxis [Kindle Edition]

 Kunstmarketing , Kunst erfolgreich verkaufen , Tipps aus der Praxis für die Praxis

Viele Künstler stellen sich die Frage wie Sie sich selbst am besten vermarkten können. Hier finden Sie eine Anleitung in Form von zehn Tipps und wichtigen Adressen ,die anregen sollen sich als Künstler dem Thema Kunstmarketing bzw. Kunstvermarktung zu widmen. Vielen Künstler fällt es schwer sich und Ihre Kunst ins rechte Licht zu rücken. Die folgenden 10 Tipps zeigen Ihnen wie Sie mit relativ wenig Aufwand die Kunst-Vermarktung selbst vorantreiben und effektiv umsetzen können.

Kunstmarketing , Kunst erfolgreich verkaufen , Tipps aus der Praxis für die Praxis

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Related: For the Ears, Glossar, Resources, Gift Guides

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If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website, Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle (R.I.P) and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky (R.I.P) and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin ,Ricardo Villalobos, Marco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges 
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