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Posts mit dem Label How To Sell Artwork werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Sonntag, 8. Juli 2012

Sell Your Artwork & Crafts Online: An Insider's Guide to the Worldwide Arts Market [Kindle Edition]

Practical guide for any artist or crafter who wants to sell their work on the internet. This comprehensive book, filled with insider tips and expert advice, cuts through the confusion and multitude of options for selling and marketing all forms of artwork online.

The author, Heidi Rand, sells her work directly through her own website, and on her Etsy and ArtFire shops. She gets royalties on her images, designs, and books, through Zazzle, Smugmug, Lulu, and Amazon. She also sells her art instruction books online, and teaches workshops online and in person. She markets and publicizes her work on her blog, Facebook, Twitter, the Patch, and more. Armed with the insider tips on selling and marketing art in this book that Heidi learned over several years, you’ll hit the ground running, with a big advantage over other artists still struggling to wade through it all on their own.

Packed full of hands-on advice:
  •  Learn the 5 critical skills to sell your art and crafts online, including tips on where to turn for help if you just can’t do it yourself.
  •  Discover exactly what kinds of websites and venues are right for your artwork and crafts
  •  Figure out whether getting your own website is the right move for you.
  •  Find out about the wide variety of ways to market and advertise your work online, including tips on how to make social media work for you
  •  Learn about powerful and free statistical tracking tools to measure your online successes and weaknesses.
  •  Zero in on what’s holding you back and get valuable ideas to motivate yourself to get going.

Based on Heidi's knowledge of a broad range of art and craft sale venues, and thanks to her extensive experience teaching and consulting with a variety of different kinds of artists and craftspeople, the book goes beyond many other guides that focus only on selling on a few sites, or selling only traditional forms of art. The book includes information and advice for practically any kind of visual artist, whether 2-D or 3-D; fine arts painter or mixed-media collage artist; photographer, seamstress, knitter, sculptor, potter, fiber artist, jeweler, cartoonist, soapmaker, and more.

To help guide and inspire, the book includes profiles of six artists who are at different points on the continuum of selling and marketing their work online, with screenshots of their websites, blogs, social media use, and more. A photographer, painter, writer, printmaker, collage artist, and natural perfumer, they represent the wide variety of media that people are selling and marketing on the internet.

 Sell Your Artwork & Crafts Online: An Insider's Guide to the Worldwide Arts Market

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Related: For the Ears, Glossar, Resources, Gift Guides

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My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle (R.I.P) and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky (R.I.P) and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin ,Ricardo Villalobos, Marco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

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