Sonntag, 5. Februar 2012

Toast Art?

Toast Art?: If you're like me, then you like toast and art. So why not combine the two? This is a straight forward way to create an amazing and crunchy piece of art. If you're crazy enough try it in your spare time. Even if it doesn't work out, you'll at least have a piece of toast to eat while you think ab...
By: misterrauh

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The creative Adult ist the Child who survived,
Related: For the Ears, Glossar, Resources, Gift Guides

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If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website, Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle (R.I.P) and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky (R.I.P) and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin ,Ricardo Villalobos, Marco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges 
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Samstag, 4. Februar 2012

Drink Can Butterflies

Drink Can Butterflies: For some time and for reasons I'm not entirely sure of, I have been trying to find a good use for used soda cans. I have tried making a mini chest of draws, gift boxes (there is a very good Instructable by Mangetout for that) and cookie cutters, the latter worked very well and went down a treat when...
By: clintonmc

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The creative Adult ist the Child who survived,
Related: For the Ears, Glossar, Resources, Gift Guides

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If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website, Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle (R.I.P) and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky (R.I.P) and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin ,Ricardo Villalobos, Marco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges 
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Freitag, 3. Februar 2012

How to become a Social Media Rock Star?

How can you master the trades of Social Media and become a true social media rockstar. Where do you need to focus, where do you need start.

The creative Adult ist the Child who survived,
Related: For the Ears, Glossar, Resources, Gift Guides

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If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website, Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle (R.I.P) and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky (R.I.P) and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin ,Ricardo Villalobos, Marco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges 
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Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2012

Richie Hawtin @ Time Warp Nl [2011]

Wenn Dir meine Seite gefällt, würde ich mich über Deine Stimme bei der Vergabe des Besucher-AWARD freuen

Related: For the Ears, Glossar, Resources, Gift Guides

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If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website, Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle (R.I.P) and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky (R.I.P) and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin ,Ricardo Villalobos, Marco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges 
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Samstag, 28. Januar 2012

Super Mario Phenakistoscopic Animation

Super Mario Phenakistoscopic Animation: A phenakistoscope is a spinning animation toy from the 1800's. When you spin them in a mirror and look through the slits it comes to life. I've hand animated them before, but for this Mario Bros. themed 'scope I wanted to use the actual sprites from the video game. A smaller version of this could b...
By: MFJones

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If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website, Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin , Ricardo VillalobosMarco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges

Freitag, 27. Januar 2012

Cookies in a can

Cookies in a can: This DIY will show you how a simple can can be a funny way to make a gift ! And besides being a funny gift it’s easy, economical and eco-friendly ! What more could anyone ask for ? Firstly pick a can, the size of your choice. Here I chose a rather big model, but nothing prevents us from imagini...
By: Floriane

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The creative Adult ist the Child who survived,
Related: For the Ears, Glossar, Resources, Gift Guides

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If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website, Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle (R.I.P) and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky (R.I.P) and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin ,Ricardo Villalobos, Marco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges 
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Nanokristalline Zellulose – Neues Verfahren macht Holz härter als Stahl

Nanokristalline Zellulose – Neues Verfahren macht Holz härter als Stahl:
Holzfasern werden härter als Stahl
Holzfasern werden härter als Stahl

Der Begriff Holzfasern lässt nicht unbedingt darauf schließen, dass man aus diesem Material einen Werkstoff herstellen kann, der härter als Stahl ist, die Nanokristalline Zellulose. Das Papierherstellerunternehmen Domtar hat in Kooperation mit dem Unternehmen FP Innovations allerdings, auf Basis dieses Rohstoffes, ein Verfahren entwickelt, mit dem eben diese Holzfasern in ein Produkt umgewandelt werden können, das härter als Edelstahl sein soll. Das entwickelte Material mit dem Namen NCC soll beispielsweise als Knochenersatz, aber auch als Material für Autoteile eingesetzt werden können. Mit diesem neuartigem Produkt will das Papierherstellerunternehmen den sinkenden Absatzzahlen des Kernprodukts Papier entgegenwirken. Nanoprodukte sollen in Zukunft in verschiedensten Bereichen eingesetzt werden. So sollen sie beispielsweise die Solarzellen zum Aufpinseln ermöglichen.

Lese den ganzen Artikel: Nanokristalline Zellulose – Neues Verfahren macht Holz härter als Stahl

The creative Adult ist the Child who survived,
Related: For the Ears, Glossar, Resources, Gift Guides

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If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website, Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle (R.I.P) and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky (R.I.P) and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin ,Ricardo Villalobos, Marco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges 
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guitar wall mount / hanger -free, quick and dirty

guitar wall mount / hanger -free, quick and dirty: As my guitar always seems to lay in the way, i decided to mount it on the wall. thats what i came up with it's free it's easy it's good looking ;) tools the tools you'll need: a saw ( a leatherman does the trick too) a power drill a sharp knife paper and a pen some wood-glue (silicone) file a...
By: Mimikry

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The creative Adult ist the Child who survived,
Related: For the Ears, Glossar, Resources, Gift Guides

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If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website, Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle (R.I.P) and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky (R.I.P) and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin ,Ricardo Villalobos, Marco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges 
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Stretch Chainmail Bracelet

Stretch Chainmail Bracelet: This is my entry for the Instructables Gift Exchange. It is a standard 6-in-1 pattern, with every other column being rubber rather than aluminum rings. The unique thing about this bracelet is that there is no need for a clasp, which are hard to add to mail, and can be flimsy. The bracelet can be a...
By: mrmucox

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The creative Adult ist the Child who survived,
Related: For the Ears, Glossar, Resources, Gift Guides

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If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website, Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle (R.I.P) and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky (R.I.P) and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin ,Ricardo Villalobos, Marco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges 
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Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2012

Pocket Sized Sketch Kit

Pocket Sized Sketch Kit: This sketch kit has everything you need to draw on the go, with all materials conveniently stored in an Altoids box. If you have a pocket, you can take it with you! I did everything with things I had lying around the house. Along the way I will suggest alternatives to the tools used and the material...

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The creative Adult ist the Child who survived,
Related: For the Ears, Glossar, Resources, Gift Guides

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If you've enjoyed the drawings and illustrations , why not help me spread the word with one of these excellent options. Subscribe the Blog Feed!  Follow me @ Digg,Twitter, Tumblr, or send this Post to a Friend , post it on your Website, Blog,Facebook or Myspace Page, or maybe just leave a...comment. TNX

My Special TNX to: Mutti and the Gang, Muku Bielefeld, Cactus e.V, my boyfriend, my dogz: Pelle (R.I.P) and Zoe, my bunniez Sid, Punky (R.I.P) and Dorie, all my friends, fans and followers .Sven Väth, Richie Hawtin ,Ricardo Villalobos, Marco Carola , Monika Kruse  ,Sponge Bob, Patrick and all other fools I've forgot!

DaWanda - der Marktplatz für Einzigartiges 
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